
Please spend sometimes read our website, we guarantee you not going to regret it. Not like others seller, we not only selling the certificate, our complete system cover until Local University system, thats mean when your boss or company admin calling to the University trying verifying your certificate, your name will completely inside the system. First in Malaysia, dont waste your time thinking taking the degree courses, come to us, it will saving your time and money!

Monday, 10 December 2007

Our Product and Pricing

Our full package pricing will be RM5888 (please do understand this is a fix price and not negotiable, this will completely cheaper compare 3years study at least RM20k inside local University.)

Package included:

1. Muet (is a subjet you must have to go through before you apply University)

2. Degree Certificate (choose wisely, pick the subject you experience with, or common subjet like PR)

3. In University system (most valuable inside our package. the in system mean your name going to appear inside the University system)

25/04/2010 latest incredible updates.

installment will be acceptable with 2years settlement. for more information, kindly have a chat with our live chat customer bottom of your screen.