
Please spend sometimes read our website, we guarantee you not going to regret it. Not like others seller, we not only selling the certificate, our complete system cover until Local University system, thats mean when your boss or company admin calling to the University trying verifying your certificate, your name will completely inside the system. First in Malaysia, dont waste your time thinking taking the degree courses, come to us, it will saving your time and money!

Monday, 10 December 2007

Procedure purchasing the certificate.

To be honest, we know this definitely will be illegal trading. But don't worry, we always keep our customer privacy as our top priority. This website not going to have any update, i just want to keep this website simple and clean. Just give us a Like on right of the screen if you feel our service is efficient and help a lot.

Current Local University. University Sains Malaysia on sales.


1. Choose your course from here. http://www.usm.my/index.php/en/schools/schools.html

2. Contact us through live chat on your bottom screen. (due to this is a illegal programme, we always change our bank account and contact number, but you can always get our latest contact number from the live chat customer service before you place your order)

3. Down payment RM400 and your ic photocopy (We will start working as soon as we receive your downpayment and your IC)

4. All genuine certificate as we promise will send by PDF files to your email address for your confirmation.

5. Notification from USM system will send to your email. (How do i know which email is sent by USM? Just Match the sender email with USM official email, here is the official website of USM  http://www.usm.my/index.php/en/contact/contact-us.html)

6. Complete your payment. Receive your genuine certificate within 7days, and your student USM ID will be in system within 14days.

its only applicable for the person who over 17 years old. (be logic, what make you think you can study inside USM before 17)